Sur la porosité de nos environnements de vie (2024-)

AgriSport (2023)

AgriSport is an interactive installation dealing with the invisible link between physical activity and agricultural production. AgriSport is a training room and a participatory game of agricultural production. Its aim is to showcase the daily effort that goes into our livelihoods. AgriSport is a fun way for the public to learn about activities that are rarely used in agricultural production. Participants in this installation are invited to work together to make a virtual farm prosper, or to watch it sink into debt. AgriSport is a game, an art work, a relational experience and an opportunity to get fit. The project is still being created.

Notepad is sad (2023)

This project is an anthropomorphic satire on the use of Notepad software. This prototype, entirely made on an arduino, captures the distance of the guests from the screen. Depending on this distance, the microcontroller acts as a keyboard and sends a succession of letters and then erases them. On the screen is the Notepad software. This is where the characters appear. The sentences that can be read are a lament, probably from the software, about the lack of attention and use that people make of it.

Tableau fuyant (2022)

Co-creation project with Mégane Voghell on mixing traditional painting techniques with 3D Uv mapping. This project is also interested in the exploration of non linear perspective inspired by medieval gothic paintings. It was financed by the grant a school hosts an artist or writer and overviewed by Turbine center. For 9 weeks the artists have created a simulation using 3D models, UV unwrapping and  watercolors. This symbiotic work permited both of the participants to participate in each other expertises. During that time they also taught this techni to 40 students. The project wa exposed at Pierre-Laporte highschool, projet casa and foire papier.  

Reenactment of archives of artistic performance as Artists' Games 2021

Reenactment d’archives de la performance artistique comme Artists’ Games de Jules Deslandes du 5 au 14 août 2021, à perte de signal.
Cette exposition est le fruit d’un projet de recherche et création dans le cadre de la maîtrise en art concentration Design numérique à l’UQAC-NAD. Elle explore la remédiatisation d’archives de performances iconiques à travers des reenactments artistiques présentés sous forme d’Artists’ Game. Les Artists’ Games se définissent comme des œuvres utilisant les mêmes technologies de production que celles des jeux vidéo, générant une esthétique particulière à ceux-ci, tout en portant des concepts propres à l’art contemporain.

L’exposition regroupe plusieurs prototypes: une simulation numérique pseudo-aléatoire explorant une continuité fictive de l’oeuvre Le saut dans le vide (1960) d’Yves Klein; un reenactment numérique sous forme de jeu de tir utilisant le concept de permadeath basé sur l’oeuvre Shoot (1971) de Chris Burden; une simulation interactive de Plank Pieces 1 & 2 (1973) de Charles Ray utilisant les concepts de composition numérique gestuelle et de jeux vidéo comme maison de poupée; un jeu de tir de création exploitant le concept d’infinitude que l’on retrouve dans l’oeuvre basée sur les Tirs (1961- 1970) de Niki de Saint-Phalle; et finalement, un mashup de Legible City (1989) de Jeffrey Shaw avec la performance The Lovers (1988) de Marina Abramovic et Ulay.

Reenactment of archives of artistic performance as Artists' Games August 5 to 14, 2021, at perte de signal.

The works in this exhibition reflects a culmination of research and creation as part of a master's degree at UQAC-NAD in digital design. This project explores the remediation of archives of performance art by artistic reenactment through Artists’ Game. The concept of artists’ games stipulate a thick aesthetic of both video game and contemporary art. These studies are demonstrated through the creation and prototyping of different artists' games by remixing notorious performance art archives.

Prototypes in this exhibition consists of : a pseudo-random simulation of Leap Into the void (Yves Klein, 1960); a digital reenactment using the concept of permadeath based on the archives of Shoot (Chris Burden, 1971); an interactive simulation using the concepts of video games as doll house and hand-tracking based on Plank Pieces 1 & 2 (Charles Ray, 1973); a shooting game questioning the finite state of a creation based on Niki de Saint-Phalle Tirs (1961- 1970); and a mashup of Legible City (1989, Jeffrey Shaw) and The Lovers (1988, Marina Abramovic and Ulay).

pris de  :

Gif par Camille Montuelle